All posts by admin

IISMAS food items donation to families under SCCMA project. April, 2022

IISMAS food items donation to families under SCCMA project. April, 2022

IISMAS is an Italian based NGO involved in numerous projects and interventions in favor of the poorest populations of Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. IISMAS provided financial support to help 161 poor families suffering from post COVID-19 income crises.  Your donation Helps the families to take food items and sanitary materials to their homes and 169 Children between the age of 4-18 to get free meals in the project.   SCCMA management and board would like to extend its gratitude on behalf of the children and families of SCCMA project community Welcoming IISMAS team at SCCMA. May, 2022 Prof. Aldo Morrone and Carmen posing for a picture with SCCMA children ISSMAS […]

We’ve launched our new website and we’re excited to introduce you to our new look

We’ve launched our new website and we’re excited to introduce you to our new look

SCCMA’s new website provides a clear message of who we are, what we do, what we have done so far, what we intend to do and how you can support us to improve the lives of children and their parents at Sara’s Center in Addis ABaba. The website also boasts a clean design and intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation system with menu functionality that directs you to the information most relevant to you. It is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and portable devices. We’re really proud of the new website and feel it will create the experience […]